Saturday, May 23, 2009


Well... Jesse is away cleaning up a camp. It's just me and the girls, Lucy's napping (very unusual - it's 9am!) Sadie is making crafts for Charlie. She has a necklace, icecream cone necklace, a crown for one of charlie's dollies, and a wand. All made with pipecleaners, beads and straws and lots of tape. Lucy's new phrase yesteday: "i uv ooo" Very cute.
Sadie kissed her first boy yesterday - Bradley. Got to school and Sadie was in the playground chasing after him with pursed lips. Uh-oh. Apparently Bradley wanted to marry all the girls in his class, then decided on Sadie, she decided that deserved a kiss. What am I gonna do about this one?

Wait that wasn't her first kiss - she kissed Aiden in nursery at church last year sometime - double uh-oh.